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Gluteus Maximus Palpitations

(I apologize in advance for this post.)

You know how your eye will sometimes twitch? 
 Or how after a walk or run the tops of your legs will twitch?
 Well,  I was sitting here editing the other day (as is now my lot in life) and my butt cheek started twitching.
 I was like, "Um.  Hello.  That is an interesting phenomenon.  Butt cheeks aren't supposed to twitch."
 And then I was all, "It's not like it's getting too much exercise! Perhaps it's from overuse...maybe I should edit while standing."
 And then in one of my great displays of procrastination I decided to search the web for fellow beings with butt twitching issues, because I have searched the web for enough random things to know that there is ALWAYS someone else with my exact predicament followed by a cause or solution. 
 This time was no different.
 While I scanned through the list of searches I stumbled upon gold, you guys.

Pure internet gold.
Someone asked the following question:

"So, my butt cheeks randomly a horses rump.  Is that weird?"
It gets better.
 While there were several scientific answers to the question as well as some remedies such as "get more potassium...or salt", the following comments are the "gold" that I refer to:
 "I get a visit from Captain Butt Twitch all the time.  It goes away if you massage it but you'll sure feel silly."
"It is normal, believe it or not.  If your left butt cheek twitches it is because you're tired.  But if your right butt cheek twitches it is because you are nervous about something.  It used to happen to me all the time when I talked to the girl I liked."

I have so many questions about that answer. 
And last but not least, my favorite response:

"It means someone is talking about you."

In conclusion.  I now know, thanks to the world wide web, that my butt twitches (like a horse rump) because I need more potassium (or salt), it will go away if I rub it, it indicates that I'm tired and/or someone is talking about me, and they are apparently an epidemic.

At least among internet users.

And upon further reflection I have come to realize that the reason I think this is so hilarious is most likely the same reason I laugh anytime I hear a recipe with "pork butt" in it.

That reason being that I'm immature.

You can see the rest of these images here under "Vallecillo Family."


TammyM said...

My butt is twitching now.... from anticipation :) By the way, this boy is a doll!! I absolutely LOVE the soccer ball pic!!

TammyM said...

OMG!! How did the cowboy boot pics NOT make the blog?? He has so much personality :) I love it!!

WSMIL said...

One of the best lines from a movie is "you people make my butt twitch", I laughed doubly because of that during this post.

Any ditto to what Tammy said! Too cute.

Anonymous said...

I'm glad you looked that up because it's happened to me before. Now I know...

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