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Spread the Love...

Public Service Announcement:
 I am a photographer.
The affordability of camera gear has allowed many, many, many people to also become photographers.
 I harbor no animosity towards any of these people.
I will gladly talk to you about photography, equipment, lighting and the like anytime.
 (So long as it's not while I'm trying to shoot.)
   I may not like your work and you may not like mine and that's okay.
Art is subjective.
And we're all at varying degrees of professionalism and learning anyway.
Just imagine how much we could all benefit if we resist fellow photographer snobbery.

(It's an epidemic.)

Not only could we all benefit from the education standpoint (think "two heads are better than one"), but we could also serve as inspiration to others instead of a threat.

There is plenty of work to go around.

Trust me.

Thank you for you attention in this matter.

PS--This does not mean that I (or you) are not allowed to gaze longingly at equipment that you (or I) own which I (or you) desperately "need" but that you (or I) can't presently afford.

PPS--Please allow the following video to buffer before watching.
You can view the rest of the wedding images here under "Reed/Lambert Wedding."


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