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Just Call Me Mrs. Vila...

In my last post I informed you of my attempt to redo the girls' bedroom while the hubs was away for four days.

Would you like to hear what I accomplished?
 Sure you would.

The hubs left at 5:30 on Thursday morning.

After I did a little work (editing) the kids and I got school out of the way so we could concentrate on shop/home economics/art/organization class for the next four days (we don't do book work on Fridays).

Here's what happened next:
 We cleaned everything out of the room.

I scrubbed star/galaxy sticker residue off the ceiling (dry cleaning fluid worked wonderfully for this).

The girls wiped down the walls, baseboards and trim.

I removed the blades from the ceiling fan.

The girls puttied the holes in the walls.

We sanded them down.
I painted the ceiling. 

I painted the walls.

I painted the trim.

(My hand resembles that of an 80 year old woman with arthritis.)
 I made two twin beds.

I made two headboards.
 The girls painted the beds and stained the headboards.
 I made one trip to Lowes, 4 trips to the local hardware store and 6000 trips to Wal-Mart.
 We steam cleaned the carpet and then scrubbed it by hand.

And scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed and scrubbed.

And then threw a cute rug over the stains that wouldn't budge.
I created a fabulous but functional cork board decoration for above each bed.

(This is to prevent more holes from going into the walls.)
 I made a lamp for their shared end table.

I created a functional (for me) picture frame collection in the hallway (which I've been meaning to get to for YEARS).
 I made a watercolor-ish canvas for the other side of the hallway (with help from the kids).

We got a start on our disaster preparedness kit with each kid gettting a bucket and filling it with everything they would need to survive for 72 hours in the event of an emergency.

(We actually used a roll of toilet paper from one of these kits last night because we were out and I refused to run to the store for the umpteenth time, so they've already been a life saver.)

And I created a binder with important documents, pictures of the kids, their height, weight and fingerprints (also for the disaster kit).
 The hubs arrived home at about 6:30 on Sunday evening and it was all finished!

I felt so productive...though sore.

And he was impressed.
 And the girls are happy with a new room.
I did a lot of other stuff during those four days too, but I don't want to brag.

PS-- I also edited all of these pictures.

PPS--I also read a wonderful book from start to finish because I couldn't sleep without the hubs in bed with me so I stayed up until 3:00 a.m. reading.

PPPS--I will post pictures of my masterpieces in the next few days as proof that I accomplished it.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Hall/Meister Six Months".


WSMIL said...

You rock! And it looks really good, even FNL was impressed.

Unknown said...

What... that's all?!

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