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Celebrity Sighting

Mercede and I had to run some errands in Cape Girardeau a few days ago.
 We had lunch together at Panera Bread.  

(It was delicious though definitely NOT in the calorie budget.)
 As we sat consuming our massive quantities of carbs and white flour who should walk in but none other than Bob Reeves!

What.  Don't tell me you don't know who Bob Reeves is.

He's only the coolest weather guy in the entire Heartland (or at least one of the top two).
 He was the voice I waited to hear on winter mornings (and sometimes summer mornings since school was frequently canceled due to excessive heat and no air conditioners in the building) when I was in school.

His was the voice that read off the list of school closings as they scrolled across the bottom of the screen.
 Farmington R7...Franklin County R2...Fredericktown R1...

Did he say "Fredericktown R1"?  That's us!

Thank you Bob!

Thank you for reading off my school's name!  
 I know you really had nothing to do with the decision to cancel school when there was only a light dusting of snow and you didn't know we weren't really expecting it to be canceled which made hearing the name being called out all that much more exciting and freeing and you didn't know that I was supremely happy to be able to lay around all day watching MTV (videos) and reruns of Little House on the Prairie (yes, I was that cool) and playing Super Mario Brothers on my brother's Nintendo, but I am still eternally grateful.
 Your voice is soothing to my soul.
 So Bob walks through Panera Bread.

I nudged Mercede and said, "Do you know who that is?"
 She said, "No."

(We don't watch the news much anymore (sorry Bob) and since we home school she hasn't experienced the whole drama above as I have.)
 I said, "That's Bob.  Bob Reeves.  From KFVS12.  The weather guy."
 She says, "No way!  That is SO cool!  I've never seen a famous person before!  I just saw a famous person at Panera Bread!"

(We obviously need to get out more.)
 I said, "He's not really famous to most people."

She quickly recovered from her brush with a celebrity and we finished up our meal.
 Our next stop was Target.

We walked the aisles grabbing the things we needed and started heading toward the checkout line.
 As we came down the aisle guess who was walking straight toward us?
 That's right!...Robert Downey Jr.!

It was Bob.

Bob Reeves.
Which is almost as equally exciting as if it were Robert Downey Jr.

(Not really.)

(Sorry Bob.)
 I nudged Mercede again and said, "Look who it is."
 She said, "Oh my gosh!  It's Bob!"
 "I think he's following us!"

"That is so cool!"
 She recovered and we left the store without alerting Bob to the affect he had on us.
But now I sort of feel bad that we didn't fawn over him and ask for an autograph.

It probably would have made his day.

And Mercede's.

(And maybe mine.)

You can see the rest of this session here under "Cooper Post Bridal".


Anonymous said...

Oh, yes, Bob is at Panera a lot! Great pics!!

Tammy M said...

Although Bob Reeves impresses me with his vast meteorological knowledge, I'm more a Tyler Profilet kind of girl :) But both are on TV, that MUST mean they are celebrities.... I'm in my own little world so often that I wonder if I would even notice either of them out & about. But, I bet if I did I would be excited. At least a little bit!!

Lindsey A said...

Just be glad it wasn't Mary Ann Maloney! I've never seen her in person when she wasn't in workout clothes and zero makeup. She looks way different!

WSMIL said...

We call him Big Ear Bob, sorry but it's true. And I love the woman in these pics! She is so free and beautiful. Some of your best work yet. Seems like I'm saying that a lot lately.

Anonymous said...

I met Bob Reeves years ago on a field trip to tour the KFVS12 studio. It's cool to be able to say you met someone who's on TV even if it's only a local station. I'd consider him a celebrity! :)

Anonymous said...

Love these pictures you do an amazing job!

Anonymous said...

These are the best yet!

WSMIL said...

I know you are busy, but where are my previews of coming attractions? We have needs to you know;)

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