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Study Guide

Some things about myself that I may or may not have told you...
 --I hate hominy.

Gross.  Gross.  Gross.
 --I like my toenails painted but not my fingernails.

It makes them feel thick, sticky and old lady-ish.
 --I do my dishes in the left sink, rinse in the right sink and then put them on the counter to my left.

I'm told this is absolutely the wrong way to do it.
 --I sometimes stand like a flamingo while doing the dishes as mentioned above.

I think this burns more calories.
 --I'm really bad at math.
 --I can read lips.

Which may turn out to be handy because I'm losing my hearing.
--I once won an Oreo stacking contest.

My prize was a package of Oreos and a teeny, tiny trophy.
--I love bread.

Particularly homemade bread with lightly sweetened butter.
--I love chocolate ice cream with almonds.

Particularly Schwans.
--I'm overweight.

According to the Wii Fit.
--I attribute this fact to the love of bread and chocolate ice cream with almonds mentioned above.
--There are ants in my kitchen.

They are not getting the hint that they aren't welcome anymore.
--I frequently drive my car on empty but have never run out of gas.
--I'm very cheap and typically only shop at resale and consignment shops.

I blame my mother (or give her credit, either way).
--My toilet paper goes on the roll pointing down.

Except when we're out of toilet paper and I'm too lazy to run to the store and we use a box of tissue instead.
--I have rough elbows and a pinkie toenail that's barely there.

Thank you for your attention.

There will be a test.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Foster Family".


Anonymous said...

You and I are 6/14 the same. I'd give you a percentage on that, but that's difficult math... ;-) Manda

WSMIL said...

I miss you like crazy when I'm on vacation! You make coming back to work almost bearable:)

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