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This is what happens...

when you're trying to get a shot of two-year-old twins.

It's not really all that bad, but this cracked me up so I thought I'd share.
 Aren't you glad I did?
 You should feel lucky.
 You know who else should feel lucky?
 People that shop at Aldi's after I've been there.
 If you shop at Aldi's you know that in order to use a cart you have to put a quarter in the slot.
 When you're finished with the cart you slide the little plug into the cart in front of it and get your quarter back.
 It's supposed to help keep the carts from wandering off and thereby lower the cost of the products you buy from them.
 I think it's a good plan.

It gives you a little incentive to walk your cart back to the cart corral.

And I do.
But instead of plugging in the cart and taking the quarter, I plug it in and leave it. 
 Which simply means that for the cost of one quarter I get the satisfaction of knowing that someone, most likely a someone that's watching every penny they spend, will have a little happy moment when they find a quarter already in the slot waiting for them.
They're happy.

I'm happy.

Aldi's is happy.

All over twenty-five cents.

That's the deal of the century if you ask me.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Stubblefield".


WSMIL said...

This is one of many reasons we love you and follow this. Because I didn't know about the quarter Aldi's cart, but now I see myself shopping there just to see if I can be one of the people who finds joy from your quarter. As for the pictures, today couldn't have been a better day to look at these, beautiful children, colorful balloons and grey icky rainy cool weather. Delightful difference between my computer screen and my window, not to mention maybe I'll get that quarter cart later this evening:)

Bell Lee Button said...

So that's who left the quarter. I just thought it was some crazy person who forgot about the quarter that means so much! Haha JK

Ashes of Abdication said...

Awww what cute kids!!!

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