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Ruthless Muffin Makers

I've heard people talk about companies or business owners out there that are ruthless, underhanded and monopolizing.

They even make movies about them.
I won't name any names.  I'm sure you can come up with your own.
I have often wondered why a company or business owner would need to be that way and tonight I came to a realization...

It's either because they don't want to do their job the correct way or they aren't confident in the product they're selling.
That makes sense doesn't it?

Let's say, for instance, that you were the owner of a shop.  Let's say it's a muffin shop (not to be confused with muffin top), just to keep things interesting (and because I like muffins).
Let's say you were the biggest, baddest muffin maker around.

Good for you!  Way to go, you amazing muffin maker, you!  You should be proud of your amazing muffins.
And because you're such an amazing muffin maker, you get a lot of business.  You have a lot of clout and a lot of dough. 

(I know, that was bad even for me.)
Why would you, as an amazing muffin maker, want to shut down the other muffin makers in the area or for that matter keep other people from making muffins at all? 

In other words, why would you be competitive to the point of being ruthless?
Maybe it's because you're concerned that the other muffin maker's muffins are better than yours.  Maybe they're using better ingredients, maybe they're having fun with their muffin making work and because you're sick of making muffins, it shows in your product. 

If you can't work side by side with another muffin maker, maybe it's because you feel threatened.

Isn't that why big corporations go after the small business owner?  Because the small business is supplying something at a lower price that the public prefers and buys more of and the big corporation either can't or won't lower the price or better the product?
I guess what I'm trying to say is...If you're really good at what you do and you really love your work and it shows, then you should be able to work side by side with any muffin maker in town and be happy with your end result. 
 Because at the end of the day it's not who sold the most muffins or who made the most delicious's about how happy YOU are with YOUR muffin.
Is this really about muffins?


Does it apply to other situations?


Which situation?

I'll leave that up to you. 

You can see the rest of this session here under "Myers Senior".


WSMIL said...

I love 2/3, great pics! As to muffins, some people just don't play well with others, and the time will come when they look around and discover they are all alone. I should feel sad for these people who only care about themselves, but that is a personality trait that I'm still working on:(

Anonymous said...

If there's anything I've learned from my years in the tech world, it's that companies don't get killed by competition. They usually find creative ways to commit suicide. — Sridhar Vembu, CEO of Zoho.

Make the best muffins possible and don't worry about the "other guys"

Bell Lee Button said...

Now im hungry for muffins. Thanks B. Haha. Is it possible to suddenly get a craving to make a big money making buisiness and crush everyone else? Ya.....haha JK

Anonymous said...

When one doesn't do ones job properly (or enjoy ones job) then these type of people have a tendency to feel threatened by good muffin makers. Good muffin makers, however continue to do what they do, make GREAT muffins.

cameraman said...

I imagine that people who are used to getting their muffins from varying places wouldn't want to be told they were only allowed one muffin place. Especially if they liked the place they were getting their muffins from. Just a thought.

Anonymous said...

I hope the ruthless muffin maker feels shame, but I guess you can't feel that emotion when you are a ruthless muffin maker. And your pictures of the senior above are wonderful. She is very pretty and the shots came out great. Wow I learned a lot from the post, thanks.

Anonymous said...

love the pics...and muffins did you know people are making muffins as dinner entrees'? such as meatloaf, mac and cheese,traditional cakes as muffins. Muffins can be endless choices. Choices isn't that a nice word!!!! here is a quote I personally dig....old indian proverb.
called wisdom of the fool.
"all fools make something---some make good, some make trouble, some only make excuses."
great huh??? Can I get an amen from the multitude of muffin makers of the world????

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