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The Importance Of Humble Organs

Dear My Husband's Gallbladder,
I really wish you knew how much trouble you have caused.
You were truly appreciated for the bang-up job you were doing before your little meltdown and subsequent strike against my husband's body. 
And while I would admit that he probably failed to show his appreciation (we could all do better in this regard)...
that was absolutely no reason to up and quit entirely.
Had you even given any consideration to Matt's Liver's feelings?

Apparently not.
Now he's been forced to chug along doing all the work by himself.
I guess you didn't expect things to turn out quite like this did you, with your little temper tantrum?
As soon as we discovered that you just quit without notice...without even an explanation we decided it was time for you to go.
We didn't need you upsetting the other organs.

They all seem quite happy in their respective positions and, I might add, are doing a smashing job.
I guess you didn't realize you were expendable.
Maybe next time you'll show a little appreciation for the job you have to do no matter how menial it may seem.
You had  nice, warm working conditions right next to Liver and Stomach where you were fed daily and cared for adequately.
And now where are you?

Probably in a trash can...or perhaps in a mad scientist's laboratory where who only knows what awaits you.
I'm sorry it had to end this way, but he's better off without you.

Maybe next time you'll mind your manners and show a little humility.

The Woman Nursing Him Back To Normal After Your Expulsion

PS--My husband had his gallbladder removed on Wednesday.

PPS--I don't really believe his gallbladder is reading this blog or is even aware that it exists.  I'm just being silly.

PPPS-- I think it's sad that I felt I had to add the above disclaimer.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Komar Family."


WSMIL said...

I think it's sad that Preparation H has to add a disclaimer for external use only, but what are you going to do:)

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