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Snug As A Bug...

I had "sleep" written down on my list of topics to blog about.
It seemed appropriate to broach the subject with this post since it consists of a newborn and newborns are notorious for creating a lack of sleep.
Matt takes forEVER to fall asleep.
I fall asleep nearly as soon as my head hits the pillow.
Matt doesn't snore.
I snore like a 300 pound man.
In my defense, Matt says I don't snore ALL of the time...mostly when I'm congested.
But in general, I sleep very well and only need about 6 1/2 to 7 hours to feel well rested and ready to take on the day.

Here's my problem with sleep:
I'll be completely zonked out, at rest, snoozing, gettin' the beauty sleep, sawin' the logs and then something happens at roughly three a.m.
My eyes pop open and I'm completely ready to awaken and embrace the day before me.
Except that it's roughly three in the morning.
And I don't typically start my day at three in the morning, so I force myself to go back to sleep.
Which, in theory, should mean that when I awaken at 5:30 I should be well rested and ready to rise.
This is not the case.

At 5:30 my body has decided that it erred in judgment on the three in the morning thing and would like to make up for lost time by sleeping until at least 7:00 which it knows is absolutely impossible because we have things to do and people to see.
So I force myself out of bed and grumble about why I can't have that eyes popped open alertness at 5:30 that I seem to enjoy at 3:00.

And my body laughs at me and plots further ways to torture me.

Does anyone else have this problem?

You can see the rest of this session here under "Gann Newborn".


WSMIL said...

People like Matthew and me who take forever to fall asleep can't stand people like you and Gary who fall asleep the minute their head hits the pillow:) And our subconscious disgust at your behavior causes you both to awaken at 3 and feel guilty until you fall asleep again. There our evil plot is now out there for all the world to know about;)

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