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The Nefarious Nightgown

I was raised in a very peaceful home.
 I would call it "normal" but there is no such thing.
 Suffice it to say that my parents were rarely angry with each other and even more rarely did they fight.
 In fact, I can only remember one such time.

But I remember it vividly...
 It was their anniversary.
 I'm guessing I was about 11 years old.
 And even as a pre-teen I recognized immediately the error of my father's ways upon seeing the gift he presented to my mother who was then younger than I am now.
 I'm guessing she was 30 years old.
 He gave her a nightgown.
 But not just any nightgown.

This one was flannel.

With little flowers all over it.
 And ruffles around the collar and hem.

And lace around that.
 It may as well have had a turtleneck and a built in chastity belt.

In a word, it was hideous.
 When I mentioned this incident to my mom in front of some friends she added to my description by simply stating with disgust in her voice, "It had pockets."
 She was highly perturbed.
 You could cut the tension in our house with a knife.
 Mom felt bad because dad apparently thought she would like something that his great-great-grandmother would wear.
 And dad felt bad because he apparently made his wife feel matronly.
 When someone asked my mom what she did with the offending gift she quickly replied, "I took it back!"
 My sister feels bad for my dad because he was just trying to be nice.

Mom thinks he should have known better.

And I think it's hilarious.
 Of course they made up eventually because they're still married some 23 years later and now we joke about it.

At dad's expense.
 He only buys her jewelry now.
 So really it's a win/win situation.
 Dad redeemed himself.

Mom gets jewelry.
My sister and I get to laugh about it.

And as a bonus I get to blog about it.

So it actually ends well for you too.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Ashley P."


Merna said...

Gorgeous! Love them all but # 5,12,& 13 are my favs. Great job B.

Anonymous said...

Love it!


Ashley said...

Thanks for getting them done before my trip! :)

Anonymous said...

You're beautiful Ashley! And is that really your car?

Anonymous said...

they're so pretty! you're beautiful Ashley!

Ashley's Momma said...

I think they are beautiful Brandi! Thanks so much. It was fun (-:

David said...

These pictures could really boost Dodge's sales.

pleather said...

Hey Ashelia I love your photos especially the ones in your leather jacket and the heels your gorgeous i love the photos. I hope your happy with them...even so they will never quite do you justice but i love them :)

WSMIL said...

Beautiful, beauty shines from her eyes. Love the pictures, and yes Dodge should buy some as well.

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