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 How one word can strike fear into my bones....

(Can one strike fear into one's bones?  I'm saying yes.)
 I was driving home from the grocery store, minding my own business, when this word popped into my head...lackadaisical.  In less than three minutes the following mayhem ensued between myself and....well, myself...
 "What a weird word.  Lackadaisical.  Lackadaisy."

"Lack means without...what does daisical mean?"
 "Lack. A. Daisy....Whack-a-daisy."

"Ha! Like Whac-a-mole."
 "I have a mole.  I should ask the doctor about that."
 "I can't forget my doctor's appointment tomorrow."
 "Ew.  I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow."

"Ew.  He's going to fix my ear so I can get on a plane."

"I'm getting on a plane?!"
 "I wish the sun would come out."
 "I wish I would win the lottery."

"I don't play the lottery."


"Oh well.  It doesn't matter anyway because I'm going to die."

You can see the rest of this session here under "Mooney/McCord Maternity".


WSMIL said...

It wouldn't let comment on the last post, so I'm going to say here what a beautiful and fun little girl, and I'm so glad she belongs to someone else, she has trouble written all over her face:)  And I won't make fun of your fears of getting on a plane;)  But take off is the worse, noise wise so prepare yourself, have a great time.

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