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Too hot to handle...

You know how sometimes life gets out of control and you're required to summon every shred of your mental capacity just to remember to put on your underwear before your pants and to put the milk in the fridge instead of the cabinet?

When it gets that way I tend to go into hard core priority mode out of desperation eliminating anything non-essential from my list of daily activities.

It quickly became obvious that cleaning the stove top should not be on the list of eliminated activities...

 Yes, that's really how dirty it got.

Don't judge me.

I have three kids that cook.

Apparently very haphazardly.

But you will be happy to know that my stove now looks like this:

See my reflection?


And I didn't have to scrub.


Here's how:

--Put your grates and pans in a trash bag

--Dump in one cup of ammonia (yes, just one cup...the stove parts don't need to be sitting in the ammonia but just marinating in the fumes).

(Do not inhale deeply.  Trust me on this.)

--Tie the bag up tight and make sure there are no holes in it for the fumes to escape.

--Leave it on the porch/in the garage/in the yard over night (or about 12 hours).

--In the morning (or after about 12 hours) open that baby up (still not inhaling too much), stick them in the sink and wipe them with a rag or sponge.

That's it!

Presto change-o!  A clean stove and no scrubbing.

And as an added bonus the fumes that you inhaled from the ammonia probably did a nice little cleaning on your esophagus.

Not really.

That was just some chemical exposure humor for you.

I'll be here all week.

PS--The sunset has nothing to do with this blog but I figured you would rather see a sunset than a picture of my dirty stove right away.  You're welcome.


WSMIL said...

You are so full of interesting tips, thanks!  And the sunset is beautiful.

Ldisdca said...

Since you told me about this, I have shared the knowledge with a bunch of messy people. We all seem to have this problem. Short story. I was complaining at my place of work that there had to be an easier way to clean the stove top. A guy said, “don’t make a mess in the first place". Ug! I wanted to chock him. I suggested he cook for a while before he gave such flippant advice.

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