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Super Mega Toilets

I have a few problems with today's restrooms.
First up would be the super mega flush toilets. 
While I'm sure they are super effective at flushing mega waste (and possibly a small pet or child), there is a teensy  problem.
They're super mega loud!
We're talking so loud that I'm simultaneously trying to pull up my pants and cover my ears at the same time.
I seriously try this.

Also, it's not really possible to do.
Why does the toilet need to sound as if it could suck me down with the toilet paper?

They need to have governors on them.
Next problem:
The hand dryer.
While they have always been loud and obnoxious they have reached new heights.
I understand that they are saving trees (at least that's what we're told) but do they need to blow the flesh off of my hands and the drums out of my ears?
When I see that my only option is a blow dryer that sounds like a jet engine I sometimes take the risk of having germy hands instead of having mostly clean hands that are now nice and moist with which to open the nasty bathroom door.
Aren't we taught that moisture breeds germs?

And that you should open the bathroom door with a towel?

How can I do that when the flesh from my hands is non-existent, my eardrums are blown out and there's not a solitary paper towel in sight?
Also, I'm pretty sure that's why my hands are looking so wrinkly.

Woe is me.

Where's a good old-fashioned outhouse when you need one?

You can see the rest of this session here under "Gabriel White".


Anonymous said...

Agreed. My freak out is how high some of the commode water splashes out. EWWW
This is a handsome little man. Looks like you both had fun.

WSMIL said...

What an adorable little man! Love these pictures, and his expressions especially.

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