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Belle Blossoms Giveaway---Snoods!

Don't know what a snood is?

Well, you're about to find out...but first, let me introduce you to the owner of Belle Blossoms.

This is her.

Her name is Heather, but I call her Marilyn.
She makes beautiful vintage hair accessories, and I'm giving some away.

But only because I like you.

I'm tempted to keep them all for myself.
I've always had a fascination for vintage things and I used to wear vintage hats quite a bit, but sometimes an all vintage look is too "look at me" for the occasion. 

That's where the Belle Blossoms come in.
They're a simple way for me to feel a little retro (and a lot feminine) without a lot of effort (or stares from vintage haters).

I like to feel a little retro.

Particularly without a lot of effort.
My next attempt at achieving the retro look without a lot of effort will be with the use of a snood.

What is a snood?

This is a snood.
It's so cute, even in black and white!

Now picture one with a sweet, colorful Belle Blossom on the side.

Marilyn has various color and flower combination ideas on her site here.

You can also see a super simple way to wear one in this video here.

I like super and simple.
Now for the giveaway details:

There will be two winners.

(1) Belle Blossom of choice
(1) Snood in your choice of color and a $10 gift card

How do you enter?

Three steps:

(1) Become a follower of my blog. 

(Just click the "Follow" button located in the sidebar on the right.  You can sign in using a Google account, a Twitter account or a Yahoo account.)

(2) Become a follower of the Vintage Belle Blog here.

(She also has a "Follow" button in her right sidebar.)

and last, but not least,

(3) Enter your name and email address below.

(No one but me will be privy to that information and I have neither the time nor the energy to send you advertisements or junk mail.)

The giveaway entry period will end on Wednesday, March the 16th at midnight at which point I will use a random selector to randomly select two winners who I will notify by email.

Don't be afraid to try out a snood and while your at it, check out Belle Blossoms other retro creations that can make you feel feminine and retro as well.


CutieVonCupcake said...

Ooohhh, please enter me.

Amanda Awesome said...

Fingers crossed!

Gracey said...

I submitted my name and email address and am following both blogs :)

Emily said...

Yay!! So excited!! :) I've ordered from Belle Blossoms before and I love them!! :)

WSMIL said...

Where oh where has my blogger gone? Missing you!

Bell Lee Button said...

Just counting down the minutes till you post who wins!

Bell Lee Button said...

Did anyone win? Because i never heard anything!

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