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I wonder if it's just me.

Am I the only person who becomes wholly dedicated to a workout regimen and mentally motivated for it during moments when it's absolutely impossible to act on said regimen...
 like when I'm laying down to take a nap or going to the bathroom?
 The only times I have available for physical activity is at 5:00 in the morning or 10:00 at night.

Why can't I have these motivational conversations with myself then?
 Does anyone else carve little hearts in the top of the peanut butter when they open a fresh jar (like on the commercial)?
 Does anyone else wash their dishes in the sink farthest from the drying area?
 (I could delve into a scientific explanation of why it's more energy efficient to wash on the left, rinse on the right and then dry on the left but it would also involve an explanation of how I stand on one leg while washing dishes and you would just be more confused than you already are by the end of it).
 Does anyone else have out-of-control, fuzzy hair all around their hair line that they used to cut off down to the scalp when they were teenagers because it made the rest of their hair stick up all crazy-like on the sides?
 Is anyone else never able to boil an egg so that the shell comes off easily, but instead takes half the white with it (which also happens to be the low fat part)?
 Does anyone else remember Free To Be A Family?

(We will be discussing this more at a later date.  Contain your excitement.)
 Does anyone else think they have a lisp that none of their friends will tell them about?
 Does anyone else have all the cans in their pantry facing the same direction but kitchen floors that haven't been mopped in a week?

(I blame this on a movie I watched when I was an impressionable teenager.)
Does anyone else read books to their children not because it will instill a love for books in them or because you want to spend quality time with them but because you want to read a kids book and they give you a good excuse?





You can see the rest of this session here under "This Family" (because I know her last name but I'm sure her last name isn't the rest of the family's last name and I thought we might do something different this time).

Up next:  Lillybug


WSMIL said...

Ditto to the floor and pantry, and I think I know which movie. Yes to that book thing only I take the grandkids to the movies when I want to see a cartoon (be leery of an upcoming offer on our part). And on your eggs dip immediately into cold water for about a minute and peel right away. Also it helps if you crack them on the bottom and not the sides:) As to the rest sorry can't help you, but I sure someone out there in your fan base can.

M-a-licious said...

I stand on my tippy toes still to wash dishes even though I can reach the sink. Old habit. Does that count for anything?

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