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Everyone's a photographer...

or at least it seems that everyone wants to be one.
 This raises questions for me:

Is photography just the current "cool" thing to be doing?

Is it because Ashton Kutcher takes pictures in the Nikon commercial?

Is it because digital is so accessible?

Is it because everyone, deep down, has a desire to be creative?

and most importantly can anyone be a photographer? 
 Photography has always equaled art for me.

Even when I didn't know what I was doing.


I'm not sure I even know what I'm doing at this point.

But I'm talking about when I really didn't know what I was doing.

Those of you who have seen my early work using white sheets and work lights (and fur coats) know what I'm talking about....scary stuff.
 I think most people would agree that photography is an art in itself.

I remember even as a teenager tearing out black and white images from magazines to glue into my folders because I loved looking at the "art"...much more so than any painting or drawing.

In the past my husband has declared that I'm not an artist...just a photographer, but I think I may be slowly convincing him that some of my work is art.

 We had a conversation that went something like this:

Me:  Can everyone be a photographer?

Him:  *grunt*

Me:  I mean, if everyone can be a photographer then that means I'm pretty useless!

Him:  *hmmm*

Me:  Seriously.  Photography is art!  Can anyone just say "I want to be an artist therefore I am."?

Him:  Uh

Me:  I'd like to be a painter/singer/sculptor/designer/hairdresser.  Does that mean if I say I'm going to be one of those things that I can?

Him:  Right.

Me:  Do you have to possess talent to be a photographer?  I thought I had talent but apparently everyone else thinks they do too, so maybe I don't really have it!

Him:  *sniff*

Me:  Sigh.  I'm going to go blog about it.

Him:  K.  Love you.
My conclusion?

Yes.  Because of the technologically developed day that we live in which makes digital cameras and processing programs easily accessible to everyone, I believe that everyone can be a photographer.

This is a good thing and a bad thing all at the same time.

Good because it gives more individuals a form of expression.

Bad (in my opinion) because it devalues true photographic artists.

In summary...anyone can be a photographer...

Does that mean they're good photographers?

Not necessarily.

Are they artists?

Not necessarily.

Do I think I'm a good photographer?

Most days.

Do I have a long way to go in the learning process?


If a tree falls in the forest and no one is there to hear it does it make a sound?

I think this is still up for debate.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Swinford Family".

Up next:  Breea


WSMIL said...

sniff, sigh, I love you (I have more to say but that seemed so right I decided to run with it:) Maybe I'll have a conversation with you about it or then again maybe not;)

SandraSkiles said...

I think everyone is trying to be a photographer because it's a whole lot cheaper than going to a pro. And also it's sooo fun to take pix!!! I have always loved to take pictures. I do agree that a lot of them are not that great and only certain people have a knack for it. Like you!! Great job!

Anonymous said...

Can anyone be a philosopher? I don't think so. You must be a "reflective thinker" which most of us aren't! That is my bit of wisdom for the day.

Mariah Sage said...

I agree with you B., anyone can be a photographer but that certainly doesnt mean they will be good at it.....and please, dont remind me of the fur coat. I prefer not to think about those pictures :)

Anonymous said...

I think everyone enjoys pictures for a lot of reasons. And you are right with the advancements in technology more and more people are trying out photography. Is it possible that the problem here is that you have let your love for art/photography turn into too much of a job and now it's your competitive spirit kicking in. There will always be new photographers, but don't get frustrated with them for wanting to try something new. You tried something new and look now, it is clear from your pictures and from your blogs what kind of talent you have. As long as you keep your passion going you will be fine.

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