I apologize.
I took a short vacation from photography.
Rather, photography took a short vacation from me.
And I was happy about it because it allowed me to regroup and reanalyze and "re" other stuff.
I would like to point out that this is one of those instances in which the internet has possibly helped me to appear smarter... right up there I typed in "I took a short sabbatical from photography" and before I moved on I looked up "sabbatical" to make sure it meant what I thought it meant.
It doesn't.
So I changed it to "vacation".
Because I know that word.
Speaking of the internet and intelligence...
I have a statement I'd like to make.
It is this:
(Yes, I spell incorrectly sometimes and have horrible trouble with commas, run-on sentences and the use of the word "and", but that is nothing (NOTHING!) compared to the atrocities these people are inflicting on the internet.)
Also, am I the only one that has noticed the astronomically high number of Ecards (and the like) that are just downright mean and/or vulgar?
I thought the point of the Ecards and the "most interesting man in the world" memes was to be funny/ironic/witty.
So you might come across one like this:
"Whenever I delete an app on my iPhone, the shaking icons make me feel that they're panicked over who's getting cut from the team."
That's funny.
I applaud the person who made that Ecard.
But for every good one like that there will be nearly 25 of these:
"Why are you a stupid jerk?"
"I hate you and you stink."
"I wish you would die."
"You're fat and ugly."
Except they're usually filled with expletives and many incorrect spellings.
And they aren't funny or witty or ironic.
At all.
My concern is that the people of the internet are all using memes and Ecards as a way to be passive aggressive towards people they have issues with but those people probably aren't even seeing the Ecards.
So now we just have a bunch of people walking around oblivious to the fact that there are mean Ecards written about them floating around on the interwebs.
And then we have people that have written the mean Ecards to the people that are never going to hear them and because they're so passive aggressive they're never going to say anything to those people and so the anger will just keep building.
And then there are people like me that see the stupid, mean Ecards while perusing the internet for a good shrimp recipe and it makes us angry.
And then we (I) blog about our (my) anger to you fine people and maybe you'll be angry.
So there's just a bunch of angry people walking around being angry for no reason.
And if they ever collide (let's hope that never happens) it will be like a huge explosion of anger that erupts all over the place.
And who wants that?
No one.
My solution:
If you are so angry with someone that you feel the need to get on the computer and create a mean Ecard (that no one else is going to understand, by the way) please, for the love of humanity, don't.
Do this instead:
Call, email, text, or snail mail that person and say, "Hey. I was just contemplating creating a mean Ecard about you."
And when they ask why (because they will), tell them.
And then you will feel better and they will know why you think they were being a "stupid jerk" and probably apologize (if you explain your situation nicely).
And they might stop doing "stupid jerk" things and you won't have to hate them anymore.
And we'll all be a little less angry.
And the internet will be a happier place for me.
And isn't that really the most important thing here?
My happiness?
I thought so.
This is such an adorable couple!
Winter weddings can be tricky. This year especially. Your cast of lovely's look handsome and beautiful.
Great day and great pictures to keep the memories glowing.
The honey idea is brilliant!
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