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A Little Dip

I have recently discovered how intensely taste buds can differ from person to person.
I have been searching for healthy, low(er) calorie recipes made with natural ingredients (not fake sweeteners or chemicals) and JUST when I think I've found one that seems promising (like "chocolate pudding" made with greek yogurt, cocoa powder and honey...gag, gag, gag)...

It was taste tested by someone with no idea what actually tastes good (to me).

Can someone be born without taste buds?

Too bad I can't search the web for "low calorie desserts that would taste good according to Brandi".
Actually, I guess I could search the web for that but it would most likely return with not so helpful results.

Except now...after I post this entry...that search would turn up this very blog.  So that might actually be helpful for someone.

Or make them wonder why people like me are allowed to have a blog.
At any rate, if you would like to taste something that is actually good (according to me), I'm posting a recipe.

It is for fruit dip and it's low(er) calorie, full of protein, healthy and good, good, good.
Trust me.

Follow the directions for best results:
Put 1/2 cup of Greek Yogurt (I use vanilla) in a bowl.

Add 1 Tbls of peanut butter (I use Skippy).
Add one Tbls of honey (I use the stuff that comes from bees).

Stir it.

And stir it.
And stir it some more.

Cut up some fruit (I use apples).

Put it all on a plate.
Put your bowl of fruit dip on the plate with your fruit.

Take it to your bedroom.
Snuggle up in bed and dip your fruit into the fruit dip and eat it while watching The Food Network, The History Channel, HGTV or reading a book.

If you have dipped wisely you will have just a little bit of dip left over that you can scoop out with your fingers and eat by itself.
And then you can lick the bowl if you feel so inclined.

The best part of this dip (other than the taste) is that you can modify it depending on how many calories you have left at the end of the day (or how many you're willing to spend at the beginning of the day).

If you aren't worried about the calories (lucky you) add an extra tablespoon of peanut butter (trust me) and if you'd like to shave a little off just use half a tablespoon of honey or a little less yogurt (you may actually be able to leave the honey out all-together, but I like it). 

 As long as you don't go crazy it will taste pretty much the same.



WSMIL said...

THANK YOU! I've tried to wait patiently, but that is obviously a quality I need to work on. The pictures are amazing and the food tip is much appreciated since it has been a bad winter:)

Anonymous said...

Your recipe for pizza bites looks like it should be shared. We have all been missing your work and thoughts for the day. And to think we get this and a dap of sunshine.

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