Things I heard...
on the one hour trip home with a friend's daughter who's spending the night.
The cast of characters:
S--Summer (my 10 year-old)
M--Mercede (my 12 year-old)
C--Cassidy (their 10 year-old friend)
C: I like ice cream with my french fries.
S: Me too!
C: I mean, really, who says salty and sweet can't live happily together?
(After I went through a yellow light)
S: Mom! You just went through a red light!
C: It's okay. My mom says you can go through red lights as long as no one's coming.
M: You're mom must be a bad driver.
C: No...she's a good dad taught her everything about it.
(After passing the sewage plant)
C: Oh my gosh! What is that smell!?
Me: It's the sewer plant.
C: Ooooooooooh! It smells like a rotten egg farted! My eyebrows are singed!
more giggles
M: Rotten eggs can't fart.
C: Exactly. That's why it's funny.
Lots more giggling...
C: Oh my. I haven't been laughed at like this for a long time...I LIKE it!
M: You're so funny.
C: I know. It's in my blood. Thank you. Thank you very much. (In Elvis mode)
S: My fries taste like fish!
C: Do you like fish?
S: Yeah.
C: Then quit complaining and eat the fries.
(After I relate that Matt isn't a very sociable person)
C: Great...your driving me to your house and NOW you tell me that he doesn't like people. How can you not be a people person? I mean people are kind of essential to the world.
C: Shoguns is my favorite restaurant.
M: Mine is Olive Garden.
C: Oh, that's my second favorite! I love the chocolate bar at the end!
(After I relate that Matt likes to go places but doesn't really like company at our house)
C: Oh, my dad's the same way but my mom says, (in a fake yelling voice) "I don't care what you want, we're having company!" and then my dad gets all small and says, (in a squeaky voice) "okay".
M: Quit making us laugh, you're going to cause a wreck!
C: Why?
M: My mom can't see when she's laughing because her eyes get all squinty. And she might pee.
C: Pee?
M: Yeah. She pees sometimes when she laughs...and she pees when she sneezes.
giggles, giggles and more giggles
C: She pees when she sees Jesus?
M: No! She pees when she sneezes!
C: Oh. I didn't think that made sense.
and my personal favorite...
M: Did you make up that "rotten egg farting" thing on your own?
C: Yep. I think originality is makes you use your imagination.
I have to agree with her on that one.
Up next: Actual pictures since this is a photo blog.
C: Do you like fish?
S: Yeah.
C: Then quit complaining and eat the fries.
(After I relate that Matt isn't a very sociable person)
C: Great...your driving me to your house and NOW you tell me that he doesn't like people. How can you not be a people person? I mean people are kind of essential to the world.
C: Shoguns is my favorite restaurant.
M: Mine is Olive Garden.
C: Oh, that's my second favorite! I love the chocolate bar at the end!
(After I relate that Matt likes to go places but doesn't really like company at our house)
C: Oh, my dad's the same way but my mom says, (in a fake yelling voice) "I don't care what you want, we're having company!" and then my dad gets all small and says, (in a squeaky voice) "okay".
M: Quit making us laugh, you're going to cause a wreck!
C: Why?
M: My mom can't see when she's laughing because her eyes get all squinty. And she might pee.
C: Pee?
M: Yeah. She pees sometimes when she laughs...and she pees when she sneezes.
giggles, giggles and more giggles
C: She pees when she sees Jesus?
M: No! She pees when she sneezes!
C: Oh. I didn't think that made sense.
and my personal favorite...
M: Did you make up that "rotten egg farting" thing on your own?
C: Yep. I think originality is makes you use your imagination.
I have to agree with her on that one.
Up next: Actual pictures since this is a photo blog.