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Crocodile Tears

You know how on movies people cry and it's all sweet with big crocodile tears and a little hanky?
It's just one more way the media lies to us.
I cry big ol' crocodile tears, for sure, but it's a far cry from pretty.
I blow snot into tissue after tissue.
My face gets all red and blotchy.
I do that hiccupy breathing like little kids do after they've had a tantrum. 
My lips get all chapped.
And then my eyes do this weird thing where they swell.
All around my upper and lower lids...swollen.
So swollen it hurts to blink and I get a horrible headache.

And it stays that way for at least 48 hours after the jag.
Not exactly Hallmark movie material, is it?

But it's real, people.  It's real.

And I don't even HAVE a hanky...I just have off-brand tissues that I call Kleenex even though they aren't really Kleenex.

You can see the rest of this session here under "Coffman Senior".


Anonymous said...

You need to be gifted Puffs with lotion. They are soft but they do have so much fluff that you can get stuff in your eyes. Then the tears will help wash it out. It will make you feel you are multi-tasking.

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